Although Whistler is well-known for skiing, here are 10 other things to do there in the winter. Many visitors may have tried one or two of these activities but most have not tried them all and yet they easily could if they had enough time.


Even novices to snowmobiling will easily get the hang of how one of these machines work. Without any delay they can start exploring the different snow covered trails on the mountains. If they ask in advance or just get lucky, they may even find a place at the top of hill where they can take a break to enjoy hot coffee and marshmallows.


Although many visitors to Whistler may have enjoyed snowboarding before, few would have experienced doing it with such a wide range of marked trails to choose from. In total, there are over 200 marked snowboarding trails of varying difficulty levels and with differing terrain including glaciers and Alpine bowls, all accessible by lifts.

See also: Get Ready for the Snowshoeing in Whistler

Enjoying a Spa

There is nothing like a steaming spa to offset a day on the snow covered slopes and fortunately Whistler is also home to a 20,000 square foot Scandinavian Spa. Located on the shores of Lost Lake just outside of Whistler Village and surrounded by a forest of Cedar and Spruce, the spa acts as a perfect oasis amid the other, snow inspired, activities.

Taste Different Cuisine

Any type of resort may have a wide variety of choice when it comes to choosing what to eat but there are few which can offer the unique dish Poutine, a Quebec favorite especially if washed down with a Beaver Tail (Canadian Whiskey/Maple Syrup Cocktail).

Enjoy Luxury

Whistler is home to the Fairmont Chateau Whistler which is one of Canada’s premier and most luxurious hotels, perhaps making Whistler one of the few wildernesses with fine dining and a health club.

Experience Dog Sledding

Not only do visitors to Whistler get an opportunity to experience dog sledding but in doing so they also offer old rescue dogs a fresh lease on life as the sled dogs.

Sample a Sub- Zero Vodka

Not only is Whistler’s Kettle One Ice Room, located above the Bearfoot Bistro, Canada’s only permanent sub-zero Vodka room but it is also the  coldest Vodka tasting room in the world.


Although zip-lining has become a popular activity around the world, most zip-lines whisk visitors through the canopies of rain forests but the Whisper zip-lines offer riders unique scenic views of the tree lined, snow covered mountains.

Helicopter Tour

Even today there are few resorts in the world which offer helicopter tours direct from the resort let alone ones which will fly the passengers through and over the snow covered peaks as if in a scene from a movie.

Act Like a Local

Although Whistler has a wide array of official activities to offer visitors, the local inhabitants would have tried them all and so if you also have, you may want to join some of the locals as they partake in less official activities such as ice fishing on Gates Lake or perhaps enjoying food from a grill whilst watching a friendly hockey game, even joining in the game perhaps.

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