Whether you have been hosting guests for a while or just thinking about buying an investment property, there is that one unanswered question hanging in the air – “How much money can I make?”.
To answer you – it depends on a lot of variables. The most important factors are for example location, how many people can your property accommodate and how much will you be using your property. We know Airbnbs are profitable, but HOW profitable?
Looking at the market average gross revenues is one of the ways you can find out how much money you can approximately make. But if you want a more detailed estimate, we have the tools in place to calculate the real revenue potential of your Whistler property. No more guessing games! Our property managers are able to prepare custom projection showing your potential:
- Annual Revenue
- Average Daily Rate
- Occupancy Rate
- A competitive analysis of rentals in your neighbourhood
Why is it beneficial to know your rental revenue potential? Not only does it answer the questions above but you also might start to consider switching from long term rents to short term rentals. Additionally, you can have relevant information for your real estate agent ready when selling your property.
Are you ready to find out what your Airbnb revenue potential is? Just fill out your address below and submit! It’s that easy!